Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

Every woman has some features that must be considered when creating a beautiful makeup. Oval face, the color and shape of the eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose are all different, but sometimes you need a little bit to adjust these individual features, to get closer to the ideal appearance and create an excellent image. This can help advice professional makeup artists. If eye makeup should be considered as the shape of the eye, as well as their color.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

How to determine the shape of the eye?

Given the characteristics inherent only you can correct some forms and give individual style appearance. How to determine the shape of the eye? Just look in the mirror. It is necessary to pay attention to the way the corners of the eyes are located, internal and external. whether they are raised up and lowered down a bit? Maybe they are on the same line, if you hold it over the outer corners?

It is also necessary to pay attention to his eyes bulge. Perhaps you - the owner of a large convex or sunken, deep-set eyes. Another important criterion is the distance therebetween. Drooping eyelids are not only the consequence of the presence of excess weight, but also a hereditary feature. Perhaps you have big eyes or, conversely, small. All these factors must be considered when creating a make-up to accentuate their beauty and not damage the overall style and appearance.

The main forms of the human eye - is:

  • widely planted;
  • close-set;
  • deep-set;
  • convex;
  • with the impending century;
  • almond;
  • The Eastern or Asian;
  • with drooping outer corner;
  • large;
  • small.
Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

Sometimes, just by looking in the mirror, it is difficult to determine what your eye shape. Picture - this is the best solution to this problem. Relax your face and take a picture as close to a good look at their own eyes. When the facial muscles are relaxed, identify your type or combination of them is a snap. Eye shape and face shape are closely linked, it is on this criterion can be determined close, wide and normally they are planted. It is easy to see in the photo, if you pay attention to the width of the face and the location of the eye on it. Such a method is not too much trouble, and immediately gives an indication of the presence of some of the features of your face. Eye shape and color, as well as the status and skin color must be taken into account in the selection of makeup. One should always keep in mind the color scheme that blends well and emphasizes the individual beauty of every woman.


Wide-set eyes are located far from the bridge, closer towards the temples. This introduces an imbalance in the overall perception of the face and the primary visual task is reducing the distance between the inner corners of the eyes. To use a light tone correction which is applied under the eyebrow, and basic, quite dark - the entire surface of the century. It is necessary to darken the inner corner of the eye, staining eyelashes from the very beginning of their growth, carefully shading at an angle to the top of the eyebrow closest to the nose. In this case, eyelashes dyed evenly, do not forget to paint them from the beginning of growth, around the inner corner of the eye.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists


Close-set eyes always easily defined: they are fairly close to the middle of the bridge. The main objective in this case is the increase in visual distance therebetween. To achieve this goal it is necessary to put light shade on the inner corner to glance shone, and to slightly increase the distance between the bridge of the nose and eye. In this case the emphasis is on the outer corner where stress is applied to a dark, shaded carefully toward the temple and upward, thereby visually enhancing section. When using the pencil or liner contours are applied as close to the lash line. This eyeliner begin to create from the middle of the eye to the outer corner. Basic principles - is the emphasis on the outer corner of the eye and the lack thereof in the domestic. During dyeing eyelashes mascara effort is on the outer part. You need to paint well and pulling them up towards the temples.


Deep-set eyes is difficult to confuse with any other type of eye. The main task - to identify and nominate more eyes to the fore, making them more prominent. To do this, use the following methods: light shade applied to the inner corner and under the eyebrow, thereby giving the eyes shine a little isolating them from the depths. Medium shades shadows is performed only on the lash line and outlines are applied from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. In this case, eyeliner line should be as thin as possible. When painting the eyelashes need to pull the outer corner of the eye, well prokrashivaya eyelashes.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

also underlined lower lashes several push the eye forward. Brilliant pearlescent shadows give volume eyes, so in this case, they will look very impressive, but it is important to remember that this option is not suitable for women with a lot of wrinkles. Bright shades of shadows, blends well with the color of his eyes, will also be useful in this case. Do not use very dark shades, as well as the arrow on the lower eyelid. Brown mascara will be more organic look to your eyes.


Bulging eyes and a well-defined at first sight. Here it is best to visually enhance them, for which the following techniques can be used. The best variant makeup - it's "Smokey Eyes". Light colors are applied at the same time just under the eyebrows. Medium tones are used throughout the rolling surface of the century. Accent also only their application range is somewhat less. Eyeliner may well adjust a shape of the eye, if the outer corner to make it a bit wider. In such a situation, do not use pearly and shiny palette. While matte shadows deepen few eyes and will look as well as possible in this case. Too light shades also greatly increase the size of the eye, but to resort to too dark and not worth it - they are heavier eyelids. As is the case with big eyes, it is necessary to avoid the massive, and clearly traced arrows. The best option would be eyeliner pencil and feathering its contours.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

impending eyelid

Impending eyelid - it is very common problem faced by women. But a simple eye makeup, you can easily correct this is not always a simple task. All that is needed - is to divert attention from the issue. It is not recommended to use light colors, you need to create a soft, smooth transitions from one shade to another, using pastel palette. Good emphasis on the lash line as well as a good reception will be the allocation of the lower lash line. To create a raised effect can be on the upper eyelid to draw the darker shades of the arc, which must be carefully shaded toward the eyebrows.

Asian type

Oriental eyes stand out for their beauty, but are small and quite narrow slit. The shape of the Asian type eye confronts the owner of the main task to emphasize and increase their size, and some extend, as it were, to open their eyes. Good helper in this allocation will be beautifully delineated eyebrows. It is recommended to apply the accent shade on all mobile eyelid, slightly moving in the still. The lines should not be clear. They create a smooth transition, visually extending the incision toward the temples and up. When using the liner must be wary of straight lines, carefully shade them and create smooth transitions from the liner to the shadows. Directions makeup and feathers must pass from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, toward the eyebrows. This section will emphasize the elegance of the eye, some expanding and creating a unique effect of wide-open eyes. It is also recommended to make the lower eyelid, making a thin line of shade. Well dyed and stretched up eyelashes visually open up the eyes.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

omitted external corners

Form eyes with drooping corners sometimes gives the face a few sad, sad or dull appearance. In this case, the main task before the woman stands a visual lift the outer corner of the eye. You can use the techniques such as the application of the core, a lighter color on the inner corner of the eye. This gives ease of view. Accent shade are applied to the outer corner of the eye, with shading and up to temples, diagonally ascending line. Using eyeliner is also necessary to create, tending upward line. It is very important to carefully paint over the lashes at the outer corner of the eye, pulling them up well. In such cases, you should not get involved in the makeup of the lower eyelid, which can accentuate the cut line. If this method is used, the shadow or pencil applied from the inner corner to the outer thin line. It is unacceptable to use eyeliner on the lower eyelid, as well as to focus only on the outer corner of the eye.

Small eyes

Small eyes need special attention to itself, as in this case as high as possible to lift the brow line, emphasizing their bending light shadows. It is unacceptable to use a too dark shade, which visually reduces the eye, as well as the need to avoid the use of eyeliner, especially on the lower eyelid. If eyeliner is used, the eyes are brought from the middle of the upper eyelid to the outer corner and just. Inside of the lower eyelid can be supplied bright eye pencil that visually increases the size of the visible protein, and thus the size of the eye in general. The use of light nacreous shadows - this is the most favorable option in this case.

Make-up and eye shape. Useful tips from makeup artists

All the people have different shape of the eyes, but to create a unique image, it is necessary to know and take into account the methods of correction and the secrets of creating individual style. Applying make-up, you should always take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, and skillfully use the advice of professionals.