Products that restore the body's cells

• Products that restore the body's cells

We live in an age of new technologies, which, in addition to all the time increases the comfort level, a lot of threats to our health. Stress, noise, air pollution, soil and water - all of these factors can not exert influence on our body. Moreover, changes occur at the cellular level. How can taking care of your body so as to reduce the unpleasant consequences of urban life to a minimum?

Of course, we can make it through medication. But, let's face it, nobody wants to drink the medication until they have a serious need. The reason is clear: if we do not end stuff your body with chemicals of varying degree of harmfulness, we bring yourself more harm than good. It turns out that there are some foods that can help your immune system and body as a whole is easier to cope with the difficulties of modern life. Selecting those that can be easily available in our supermarkets, we present 7 products that can help your recovery better than pharmaceutical drugs.

1) Cantaloupe melon

Products that restore the body's cells

The most natural way to deal with toxins. It contains beta carotene and phytochemicals that contribute to the production of white blood cells and improve immunity.

2) Oregano

Products that restore the body's cells

Oregano contains a large number of substances that help resist the gastric diseases, and promote rapid recovery from illness.

3) Plums

Products that restore the body's cells

The tremendous amount of antioxidants contained in this fruit, helps to strengthen the immune system. Among other things, plums consumption reduces the risk of tumors and slow their growth.

4) Sea salt

Products that restore the body's cells

The use of sea salt helps the body to regulate the acid-alkaline balance. Substances contained in sea salt, help withdraw the excess acid from the organism through urine.

5) Tefe

Products that restore the body's cells

If we talk about the restoration of cellular, Tefe (a type of cereal plants) is the best suited for this role. Nutrients and elements included in its composition, promote the growth of new cells and restore damaged.

6) Wakame Kelp

Products that restore the body's cells

Due to the widespread popularity of Japanese and Chinese cuisine, this exotic product can now be easily found not only in specialty restaurants but also in large Russian supermarkets. In this species of algae contain fucoxanthin, which prevents the growth of fat cells.

7) Wild rice

Products that restore the body's cells

Wild rice (not to be confused with brown) - one of the most useful types of rice. It contains substances which promote the production of collagen and leukocyte - substance participating in the processes of recovery of the body tissue cells and organs and vessels.

If this list will seem insufficient, you can supplement your diet also Plantanami (kind of banana, which is not usually used in its raw form), Annatto (a plant that is often used as a natural dye) and soursop (fruit growing in southern countries), although in Russia they get it is possible unless through the Internet.