What are they, the heroes of our time

• What they are modern heroes

Great drought in 1979 transformed the once-blooming Indian Jorhat in a real desert. History Dzhadava Payenga begins here - the story of a man dying alone turned the area into a tropical paradise.

What are they, the heroes of our time

A year after the drought, "balding" area became visible from satellite. Trees was less, resulting in the mass death of animals.

What are they, the heroes of our time

City Hall did not spend scarce budget obviously meaningless seeding new seedlings - drought was too strong. 16-year-old chose Dzhadan salvation hometown lifework.

What are they, the heroes of our time

Distant relatives gave the guy two dozen bamboo seedlings. Dzhadan began to sow them directly in the desert, ignoring the angry taunts.

What are they, the heroes of our time

However, ridicule stopped rather quickly. Seedlings grown and Dzhadan sow new land every day. Since then, it took 35 years - a bamboo grove, established once a boy has turned into a huge forest, covering as much as 6 square kilometers.

What are they, the heroes of our time

History Dzhadava Payenga spread throughout the country. The hero, who was able to single-handedly save the native city, has become a real example to follow. People with their own eyes saw what really capable person.