Russia is not without good people

"World obmelchal" - say some. "People are cruel," - confirm the other. And only a third would argue: "Russia is not without good people." With the last expression could not agree more, read the stories of these five individuals.

Russia is not without good people

Fyodor Rtishchev

Russia is not without good people

A nobleman Fyodor Rtishchev while still alive was nicknamed "the merciful man," and his name is recorded in the synodic (pominalnik) countless monasteries and churches in gratitude for its operations and cash investments.

Fedor Rtishchev was a friend and associate of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his life, he built many schools, shelters for the poor, hospitals, became the founder of the monastery of St. Andrew. This man saw was lying on the pavement drunk, could easily take him and bring him to the shelter. During the Russian-Polish war Rtishchev made progress in the peace negotiations with the representatives of the Commonwealth. During battles, Fyodor endured the battlefield and their, and the enemy. He was hired for the money doctors, buying food wounded and prisoners.

Russia is not without good people

FM Rtishchev on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod.

Most of all his contemporaries remember the case when in 1671 during a severe famine in Vologda Rtishchev sent to 200 measures of grain, 100 gold and 900 silver rubles. These donations were received from sale of the property of a nobleman. When Fyodor learned that the inhabitants of Arzamas in desperate need of land, he simply gave the city its possessions. When Rtishchev died in the monasteries there was his "life." It was almost the only occasion when he describes the righteous life, not a monk and a layman.

Anna Adler

Russia is not without good people

Anna A. Adler dedicated her life to helping children with disabilities. In the XIX century the activities of charitable funds was mainly aims to meet only the physical needs of disabled persons in the food and shelter. They were deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in the society.

Anna Adler, she was engaged in education of the blind, to prove to others that they can also learn and to earn a living, like everyone else. This woman possessed Braille, found the means to purchase the printing press in Germany and began the creation of teaching aids for the blind. In addition to literacy in schools for the blind, which were under the patronage of Anna Adler, boys were taught to weave baskets and mats, and the girls - knit and sew. Over time, Anna A. transferred notes in an understandable form for the blind, so that they had the opportunity of learning to play a musical instrument. The first graduates of the school for the blind in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with the active assistance of Anna Adler were able to find a job. The woman was able to break down stereotypes about disability blind.

Nikolai Pirogov

Russia is not without good people

Nikolay Pirogov became famous as a brilliant surgeon, naturalist, and teacher. Already in the 26 years he was appointed professor at the University of Dorpat. Throughout his life Pirogov devoted to saving people. The soldiers called him a magician, does wonders to the battlefield. Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to distribute the wounded on the battlefield, immediately deciding whom to send to the hospital first, and who lightly. This practice allowed at times to reduce amputations and deaths of soldiers. On operations Pirogov first in Russia began to use anesthesia, thereby eliminating the wounded from the excruciating pain.

In addition to performing their regular duties, Nikolai Pirogov was careful to ensure that the soldiers brought blankets, food. When, after the end of the Crimean War, Nikolai Ivanovich got an audience with the Emperor Alexander II, he began to tell in the hearts of the backwardness of the Russian army and its weapons. After this conversation, the capital Pirogov was the capital sent to serve in Odessa, which can be viewed as a manifestation of favor of the sovereign.

Russia is not without good people

Pies did not despair, and directed all his energies to teaching. Scientist zealously opposed the birth and education of corporal punishment. "Be a man - that is what should lead education" - so thought the pie. Unfortunately, by officials Pies met strongly resisted. All the students spoke of him as a brilliant teacher, is concerned not only about their education but about the education of high moral character.

Sergei Skirmunt

Russia is not without good people

In the second half of the XIX century there lived a Sergei Apollonovich Skirmunt. He served as an army lieutenant, when it had fallen fortune. From a distant relative of the deceased 30-year-old officer, went to 2, 5 million rubles, lands and farms. But, unlike many people suddenly became rich, Skirmunt not had a ball. Part of the money he donated to charity. In his Crimean estate newly landowner decided to improve the living conditions of the peasants. Instead of dilapidated shacks new homes were built. There also appeared a hospital and a school. Needless to say that the residents of the estate daily prayed for the health of the landowner.

Vladimir Odoyevski

Russia is not without good people

The noble origins of the writer and philosopher Vladimir Odoevskogo did not prevent him to show sincere interest in the fate of the people of the lower classes. The Prince advocated actively for the abolition of serfdom.

Odoyevski Society organized a visit of the poor, which has assisted 15 thousand poor families. Needy or elderly people can contact the company and get medical help there. Prince Odoevsky called "strange doctrines", the main quality of which was a virtue.