How are weight training elite fighters

• How are strength training elite fighters

Constant training at a nearby fitness center are, of course, keep you eye pleasing shape.

How are weight training elite fighters

Heavy weight disperse metabolism and deceive biceps - that's only real power so that it will be difficult to achieve. Actually, even before the start of training, it will be right to ask himself about the purpose of employment: what exactly are you trying to achieve? Neck is out of the amateur in the deadlift, or chest, as wide as a doorway?

All of these "beautiful" little useful in everyday life. In real life, where it is necessary not only boast a powerful torso, but also provide resistance to the enemy - we are, after all, do not live in a fairy tale. But this will require quite different skills: stamina and self-confidence first. And if you need confidence in the mandatory training at the ring, then endurance will help develop special exercises. For example, Richard Griffin, Commando Royal Marines British, in their training here recommended to use these three exercises.

How are weight training elite fighters


A key feature of the exercise - the load on all the muscles of the body. You do not need any equipment at all, even the horizontal bar. And do not worry about the lack of load: the first 5-10 minutes Burpoe disperse your heart to locomotive speed. Begin to make the exercise of the position of the squat, placing hands in front of him. Jump out back in position for push-ups and perform push-ups. Then back to the starting position and jump out up - and repeat again. One approach is to last for at least three minutes, with high intensity, do 3-4 sets.

How are weight training elite fighters

Circuit Training

Without this element should not pass a single class. Circuit training is pumping the most stamina and explosive power limbs - that is necessary for any a fighting sport. As a bonus, this load produces excellent relief or drying out the fat throughout the body. Include a range of three exercises: push-ups on fists, squat jump up and pull-ups. For round - 15-20 times each exercise, with no break in between. Do three sets with 40 seconds rest in between them and can crawl home: something more forces will remain unlikely.

belt gap

Quite atypical exercise for any gym. But, for him, and you do not need a gym - nothing is required but a strong belt and a pair of hands. Well, and will power, of course. You should try to break the belt: pull alternately left and right, putting effort for 7-8 seconds on each side. Do three sets on each hand and do not forget to breathe during exercise without this heart will feel too heavy load. It is strange, at first glance, the exercise develops strength perfectly.