How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

Thinking about losing weight, many people, in addition to a variety of diet and exercise, study the question of the metabolism, that is, the body's metabolism.

What is it and how to speed it up?

If you do not resort to complicated scientific terms, and to speak in simple and accessible language, metabolism - all the body's processes as a whole, that provide its vital functions. With regards to energy metabolism is the rate of conversion of food into calories needed for body movement and the maintenance of the activities of all systems. Many people mistakenly believe that the fewer there are, the faster the body can absorb that comes from food. Some truth in this, but only the smallest.

The optimal amount of energy

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

So, how to speed up the metabolic process and what it takes to maintain it? Firstly, there is the main rule, which is already adhering to the body can help in this matter. This is the optimal amount of energy consumed. That is food must do as much as is spent taking into account physical and mental exertion, as well as other processes occurring in the human body. For example, a well-known fact that all products that consume a person, split into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. All of them are very important for the normal functioning of the body.

In the case when the food arrives too many carbohydrates that are easily digested, such as sugar or dough over them instantly deposited as fat.

A balanced diet

To avoid this, you should balance your diet as much as possible. It is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates, on the splitting and assimilation which takes more time and energy. Sugar rationally replace honey sweets - fresh fruit and berries, which, among other things, provide valuable fiber for the body. Reserves of fat optimally replenished by eating fish of different varieties, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, pumpkin, flax, sesame and so on. D. Also, the diet must add the roasted nuts in the form. Here's how to speed up the metabolism in the home, not limiting themselves to the food, but only replacing some products more useful to the body.

The calculation of the amount of energy

To calculate the necessary amount of energy, there are many tables, which can determine its optimal value. They are publicly available. The main criteria for selection of the desired value - it's sex, age and level of daily stress. Caloric products is also easy to calculate, using the information on the label, or also by applying the common table. Keeping a balance between consumption and energy expenditure, without much difficulty and harm to health can be optimized to improve the metabolism and overall health. After all, when the amount consumed and energy expended approximately equal, the body do not get extra resources to put the ill-fated oil.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight?

The first way - is to deal with the amount of energy that a person gets from food. With this kind of self-explanatory. The second way - the definition of an optimal amount of energy. How can I speed up the metabolism, using the basis of this principle? It is actually very easy. If we calculate the calorie content of human daily diet, you get a value. Then it should take away from this figure the approximate energy consumption alone. In fact, it is those forces that the body spends to maintain constant body temperature by perspiration in a heat or generating heat in the cold, and other processes necessary for normal life. Approximate value of this index from 1200 to 1800 kcal per day. If from the energy value of the diet take metabolism figure alone, it will be some difference. This value shows how much energy can be further spending on physical or mental activity, as well as easy movement to and from work in other cases.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

We have considered simple ways on how to accelerate the process of metabolism in the body. They are based primarily on a balanced diet and regular physical activity. You do not need to follow any specific diet or perform special exercises. Meals should be easy to optimize and sufficient load is considered to be walking in those cases when it is possible to do without transport, climbing stairs instead of the elevator, as well as swimming, cycling, jogging and other simple exercises. Moreover, in the course of this activity the body gets another important element for a good metabolism - this is oxygen. It not only speeds up the metabolism, but also effectively establishes blood flow, which helps burn fat subcutaneous layers. Without doing anything special, you can be in great shape.

muscle Capacity

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? Next will be discussed in more specific methods. First of all, we should do muscle building. After all the tissue cells spend energy in emergency mode. The advantages of this method are many. The main of them - it's a great way to lose weight and toned body. For comparison, a pound of muscle tissue consumption by up to 50 calories per day, whereas much fat spends about 2 units. Convincing result 1:25. It should be remembered that muscles burn energy even at rest, not to mention an efficiency in the performance of the load.

So how to speed up your metabolism and lose weight? The answer is simple. Will help you a regular power load and mostly protein diet. It is necessary to go to the gym or doing the exercises with the worsening of the house, and then, after an hour and a half to eat about 150 grams of low fat cottage cheese, protein shake, fish, steamed or seafood.


Another miracle cure for harmony and good metabolism - this is the usual clean water. It is the basis of metabolic processes occurring in the body. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water per day. It should not be poured a whole glass at once. Drink must be fractional, ie, at a time to make a few sips. So the water will be distributed to all the needs of the body, but not immediately displayed, loading the kidneys. No more simple process as speed up metabolism. Feedback from those who moved to the correct drinking regime confirmed that the previously confuse hunger with thirst. Saturating the body with water, a person feels better. It should be remembered that the tea, coffee and soups - a liquid. For water, they have no relationship and not considered part of the norm in two liters. To speed up the metabolism, you need to limit the consumption of tea and coffee, and completely abandon the addition of sugar in them. It is immediately noticeable and positive impact on the figure.

Fractional power

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

How to speed up your metabolism and lose weight? An effective means is split meals. The daily rate of food should be divided into at least four, or even five receptions. The interval between the food should not exceed three hours. It is not necessary, as a child, first to settle for soup, then a main course with a side dish and a dessert - something sweet. Sufficient to limit multiple products on a single plate. Meat, fish and seafood is better to combine with vegetables, except potatoes. It is better to reduce the amount of food in one reception, but increase their frequency.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

For example, there are up to six times a day, fractional. If portions are very small, it is possible to reduce the time to 2-3 hours. Snacks better to arrange such useful products such as fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, dairy products in the form of whey, kefir, yogurt, low-fat. Here's how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight. Feedback from those who have tried the method of fractional power, say not so soon, how many of the long-lasting results in reducing weight. Ie kilograms, not only leaving, but did not come back later. Especially that adhere to this system is very useful for the digestive tract.

Vitamin D can help!

To replenish the amount of vitamin D in the body, you must often happen under the sun. Of course, you can not go out into the open exposure at noon. However, if you are on a sunny day in the penumbra, or sunbathe under the warm rays of dawn, it will not only health, but also to cheer up. After all, this is the best cure for depression.

Complete rest

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? The most enjoyable way to a complete rest. According to statistics, people who regularly sleep at least 7 hours a day, do not suffer from excess fat around the waist and the hips. During deep sleep occurs tissue regeneration, increased growth hormone release, recovered brain cells. In addition, those who sleep well, at least there is overstrain of the nervous system. But a well-known fact that statistically it is apathy and depression people try, figuratively speaking, to seize.

Another reason for overeating - tiredness. The body lacks energy, and he tries to get it from food. Although simply recuperate, slept well. According to statistics, people awake at night eat at times more than others. Therefore, you should go to bed early, at least until midnight, and adhere to the same sleep.

Douches in the morning

How quickly speed up metabolism? A useful and efficient method is douche. It exerts a restorative and tonic effect on the body. Normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation throughout the body. How to make water treatment? Starting the day, a shower should be made first cool, then warm. Complete the procedure should be cold. In the evening, you must, on the contrary, to finish with warm water. This procedure is not only effective in the issue of acceleration of metabolism, but also to remove tension and fatigue that have accumulated during the day. Everyone knows that stress adversely affects the condition of the body. At the same time it promotes deposition of fat. To avoid such trouble, after a hard day, you should take the pressure off with the help of a contrast shower. Well, if after this anyone can make a relaxing massage.

Magnesium and Chromium in tablekah

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

How to speed up the exchange of substances pills? It's about the food supplements and vitamin preparations. One of these is magnesium. Often a single preparation can be found with the combination of the element B vitamins are alternative medications receiving foods. These vitamins in sufficient quantity contained in buckwheat, bell peppers, milk, eggs, beans, nuts, butter, dairy products, as well as pumpkin seeds. The next element, which helps speed up the metabolism and promotes weight loss, is chromium.

It comes in the form of drops, and is available in pharmacies. it is found in broccoli among foods. However reception chromium has one drawback. It felt the smaller part of those who wondered how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight. Reviews taking the drug Cr say that over time, it stimulates the desire to eat something sweet. At this point you need to keep yourself in the hands, allowing only useful to eat desserts.

calcium and iodine - essential substances for the human body

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight? Take calcium. He is a reliable assistant in this case. According to statistics, taking a preventive dose of 1-1, 3 grams, you can speed up the pace of weight loss. In this case, there will be negative effects on the skin, as its tone is calcium dependent in many respects. The only thing - before using, be sure to consult with your doctor, as this drug has its contraindications.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight at home?

Another equally important element is iodine. It stimulates the metabolism by activating the thyroid gland. And the final significant for metabolism is vitamin C. In addition to improving immunity, it triggers the process of combustion of body fat. It also has an excellent tonic. For example, a glass of water with lemon juice relieves stress and fatigue, stimulates the digestive tract, stimulates the metabolism.

It is obvious that there are very simple, but effective methods, how to speed up your metabolism to lose weight. Tablets are only part of therapy. We should not rush to buy advertising and drugs that promise instant weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. It is not only useless, but also harmful to the body. You just need to follow the diet and exercise regime, sufficient time to devote to sleep and supplement their diet with vitamin preparations which, when applied sensibly, can improve overall health.

A small conclusion,

Metabolism depends on lifestyle. A balanced diet, adequate physical activity and simple procedures - that's the key, not only slim but also a healthy body.