When the weather was the cause of change plans

• When the weather caused the change plans

Most often, we treat the weather scornfully, remembering about it only when for example in May starts snowing. Even today, when the level of technological development allows you to send space probes to study distant galaxies, mankind still can not cope with the destructive power of the tsunami - and it is no longer mention of thawing of glaciers, which gradually led to the death of the planet.

When the weather was the cause of change plans

The weather at all times affect the lives of not only the individual, but also the civilization as a whole. Frost forced to surrender to Napoleon and Hitler, the wind scattered deadly armada, and the scorching sun destroyed the food of entire peoples. Here are a few examples of how weather troubles changed the course of our history.

When the weather was the cause of change plans


13th century

Kublai Khan had big plans for the land of the rising sun - I must admit, after the capture of Burma, Korea and Cambodia, he had all the chances to realize them. Japan saved the monsoons, the defeat of the Great Khan's fleet before the ships were able to get close to the shore. Shinto priests called monsoons kamikaze - "divine wind."

When the weather was the cause of change plans

Spanish curse


But the Japanese had no monopoly on the whims of nature. In 1558, the wind scattered the Armada of Phillip II, went to conquer a Protestant England. If not raise a storm, our civilization might look different.

When the weather was the cause of change plans


Northern War


Charles XII of the first to discover the fashion of the failed war against Russia. His ill-advised plan did not provide for the problems that had to face the soldiers during an unusually long and very cold winter. It should be noted that the same problem encountered and subsequently Napoleon Bonaparte, whose naked army lost several million people because of the "General Frost".

When the weather was the cause of change plans

The French Revolution


We can say that the French Revolution provoked the most common degrees. Spring drought has put the French peasants in the face of a terrible famine, food grew steadily in price. A sudden hail destroyed crops across the country, led the peasants into a frenzy - people were ready even to revolution.

Dunkirk evacuation


300,000 soldiers allied armies were locked by German troops on the Channel coast. On the conclusion of people by sea could be no question - the Luftwaffe in full control of the sky. And then something happened that Churchill later called "a miracle of deliverance": Clouds darkened the skies began hailstorm. Germans had to return the aircraft and Allied soldiers were able to escape from the boiler.