Bouquet of beautiful roses in a gift

You do not know how to admit his feelings, thank the girl for their support, help or just make a gift as a token of respect? That's all you can express through a bouquet of beautiful roses. Do not think about how to open the senses - for you it will make the flowers.

Bouquet of beautiful roses in a gift

The most expensive in the world rose to

Undoubtedly, the roses are among the most beautiful colors that nature gave our land. Huge, beautiful bouquets of roses - a traditional gift for any celebration, as well as a sign of attention to the fairer sex. Many people grow up and collect in their gardens are different species and varieties of these flowers. A huge number of varieties of these plants can be bought for everyone who wishes, but there are 2 types of roses which are considered the most expensive in the world. Any girl who is not indifferent to these colors, wants to see in the vase it is these bouquets. Prices are more like a bank account, but they will be considered as a luxury gift.

Thanks to Peter Van de Verkenu, namely technology invented them, through which the world saw a new variety of colors - bright roses. Grow them can only someone who knows the art of mixing bright colors. To get such a beauty, the stem is cut into multiple lines, and the flower absorbs differently colored water. So, in the end it becomes a rainbow. One rose costs $ 10, but for the 30 roses you have to pay $ 325.

Bouquet of beautiful roses in a gift

The honorary title of the most beautiful climbing roses have received the world - Eden Rose, which translated means - "Rose of paradise." Flowers have 2 names, and Eden Rose - this is the second. The variety is named after a not very famous poet Pierre de Ronsard France. But a lot of it never heard of, so the flower got its second name. Roses with cream shade with a bright pink bordered, for 2 decades have been awarded the highest number of awards. It was the favorite flower of the famous "gendarme" Louis de Funes. 1 flower you will cost 20, 5 dollars.

The most beautiful in the world of bouquets of roses

Bouquet of beautiful roses can stand out not only for its beauty, but also the size. Sometimes at weddings the bride expresses her love for the bride is not a unique design and dimensions of the bouquet. When florists engaged in its design, they pay attention to the number of flowers, their variety and color.

The largest bouquet of beautiful roses made to the "Guinness World Records" in 2005. Beauty weighed 42 tons, and its height was 15 meters. This could afford the luxury of the royal family of Qatar, the wedding ceremony heir to the throne. After the wedding, the bouquet of beautiful roses were taken to the main promenade. Sadly, photos and data about the number of colors needed to create this beautiful pyramid, no.

The value rose color

White roses - is first and foremost purity. They are mostly presented as a gift to the wedding day, because they represent a sincere love.

A bouquet of red roses - a sign of passion, burning desire and sensuality.

Bouquet of beautiful roses in a gift

The ensemble of dark red roses - the same value as that of the red. They also express their admiration.

Pink roses are the epitome of elegance and underline the refined manners of the girl.

Yellow roses presented as a present for birthdays, because they are a symbol of caring and friendship.

Orange roses - a passionate expression of feelings to the girl Man, as it is presented as a token of friendship.

Black roses symbolize sadness. It is also believed that a person who has received a gift in such an unusual bouquet, strong character.

The value amount in a bouquet of roses

  • 1 - shy love;
  • 3 - pure love;
  • 5 - this bouquet wishing good luck in all your undertakings;
  • 7 - can not be present;
  • 11 - for spouses;
  • 19 - this number is presented to the wedding;
  • 21 - is the peak of love, give his girlfriend;
  • 101-a bouquet of red roses with the only white in the center are given only a single woman who has dedicated his man love.

If you are going to give your child a bouquet of red roses, they should be in the form of buds.

When and to whom to give roses

The St. Valentine's Day will be furious desire to symbolize a bouquet of coral or orange shades of these colors, and express true love red or maroon.

At the wedding, I decided to give white roses, which are considered a symbol of innocence, or pink, personifying the beginning of love.

Bouquet of beautiful roses in a gift

Mixed bouquets, where there are white and red roses, give the day of the engagement of young, since they express the union of souls.

On the anniversary date of roses presented in baskets.

can present a mixed bouquet of red and yellow roses on the day of a friend's birthday. Thus, you express your good luck birthday.

Bouquet, designed for young girls, should consist of pink and white roses symbolizing chastity.

But in the end I want to say that even the largest bouquet of beautiful roses fade when next to it there is a small bouquet of yellow autumn leaves. Because it thoroughly, carefully and lovingly gathered their little kids little hands to wholeheartedly and with sincerity in her eyes to give your favorite mom!