How to eat less? control the appetite

On that only women do not go to say goodbye to the hateful kilos and extra inches: torturing your body, observing all sorts of diets, buy miracle pills and teas, exhausting themselves daily workouts. But unfortunately, it does not always bring the long-awaited result, and sooner or later a woman humbled with their weight and shape, or realizes that just need to eat less. And when finally comes the insight these things, a woman makes the first step in the right direction is really a step toward his cherished dream to have a perfect figure.

How to eat less? control the appetite

How to eat less?

On how much a person eats, is influenced by many different factors: the strength of the famine, the situation, the amount of food on the table, psychological involvement, absorption rate of food, emotional state, and much more. There is even a company "Overeaters Anonymous", which helps people control many such moments. As experts say, only need to focus on self-control, and a terrible habit "Jordania" simply do not come into your life.

But for those who are still faced with the irresistible absorption of food, "Overeaters Anonymous" offer some proven effective ways in which you not only take control of your appetite, but also will be able to achieve its goal - will find the figure of dreams.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Eat slowly

Enjoy the flavors of the dishes just as you enjoy the smell of flowers. Take your time, pay attention to every piece, lying in your plate. So you will gradually move to the diet conscious, and this, in turn, helps reduce calorie diet. You will learn how to distinguish the true from the emotional hunger. The result will be above your sensibility - you will no longer "lick" the plate and apply additive and later regret it.

The quiet surroundings, the chew food. And turmoil only accelerates the process of absorption of food. Strive to focus not on what is happening around you, and on food. So you just determine what is already filled. So far, wont slow chewing and enjoying a meal is not formed, organize yourself a reminder. This can be a note where painted your motivation to lose weight.

Tip: Set the timer. You will be surprised to see that absorb the lunch of the first and second courses just a 5-10 minutes. Bring the time spent on the meal, up to 20-30 minutes. Try mealtime not talk, do not read or watch TV. And it turns out that you absorb food without feeling no taste, no flavor, no enjoyment of the process. Only scored his stomach.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Use small plates

You take a huge plate, to impose food, while you are not haunted by the thought that revolves in your mind: "I want to lose weight! Where to start? "Do you think, with not eating? No. Start by using small plates, it is no wonder they say that he had eaten, and his eyes were still hungry.

Using large plates, cups and other utensils for eating you, without even noticing, impose many times more than you can eat. Then you do not wish to leave food on the plate, tidying her to shine.

Already conducted many studies examining how the size of a plate influences appetite. Here is an example: 10 people participated in the experiment. All of them have imposed the same amount of food in the plates of different sizes. And those who have got small containers to the brim filled with food, ate, and others who have the same amount of food was spread out over a huge pot, remained hungry. Therefore, despite the fact that the large plates look very stylish and beautiful, reserving them for any special occasions, and buy yourself a small neat cute saucer. Do not forget the sight of a large plate it would be desirable to fill, leaving no voids around the edges. Tip: Use for daily meals in small dessert plates or saucers. New dishes in your kitchen - one more step on the way to a slim figure.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Eat small portions of

This item is, perhaps, in addition to the previous, but has its own nuances.

So, how to eat less? Eat from the tanks, where you can see the amount of food, and beware of eating from packets, boxes and all other types of closed containers. Why? For the reason that when in front of you a huge bottomless bag with something incredibly delicious, eat too much too easy - you lose all sense of proportion.

Tip: at a party or a party do not eat large meals with the total; set aside a small portion to his plate and moving away from the table or removing the vase with sweets out of sight, enjoy every bite, which lies on your plate.

See our weaknesses in the eyes

Thought: "I want to lose weight, how to start" - still relevant for you? Then we continue. All people have a food weakness. This is when a man can not resist any food, not even a feeling of hunger. Another important step on the way to his dream: it is necessary to realize their dependence. Think about what kind of food is to have a food trap that serves you in this temptation, and what is your motivation to lose weight is failing. Realizing this, make every effort to this dish you just do not get on the eyes or across, but in very small quantities.

Tip: Write a list of where you most often found attractive product for you. They accounted for? Now, do your best to avoid being seen. You can not resist sweets, which are presented in a huge range in the stores? Let goes to someone else for food. Your girlfriend is always ready incredibly tasty fat that is waiting for you to visit? Suppose it goes to you, not you to it. On an empty stomach, try not to pass by fast food outlets.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Keep a food diary

One of the best tools in the weight loss - it is a food diary. Give it a name, such as "We control the appetite." According to studies, people who are food diary lose weight two times more than those who hold all the data in his head. Writing foods eaten during the day, you begin to pay more attention to the food, it will be much easier to plan your diet. In addition to thought-out menu in the diary can enter the caloric content of certain foods or dietary delicious dishes that you would like to try. You can record anything related to your diet. Do not forget the drinks, all kinds of sauces and other food supplements - they are not safe for the figure as it may seem.

Tip: Optional diary should be large and thick notebooks; it can be any notebook that is placed in your purse. If he will always be next to you, you will not miss out on who came up with the idea, and weight control will be for you an entertaining game, rather than tedious task, which sometimes do not want to perform.

Combine foods properly

Basically dishes that you cook at home, or those that are served in the restaurant, organized fundamentally not true. Usually it or a huge piece of meat and a minimal amount of vegetables, or a large plate garnish in the form of pasta, cereals, potatoes and a chop. All this leads to the consumption of a large amount of calories.

Tip: Your plate should be half filled with vegetables, a quarter of grain products and a quarter protein. So you visually enlarge the portion of calories and eat at least at the maximum benefits. But even with such a structure the size of a plate should be small.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Gather proteins

How to eat less? Remember that proteins play a major role in appetite regulation. The use of proteins systematically, the lower your weight. Products containing proteins are digested slowly, and satiety lasts longer. If we neglect the protein products of your hungry body will be filled with something else, for example, fast carbohydrates are immediately deposited on the sides. Therefore, set up an the habit: the protein must be present in every meal.

Tip: Try to eat lean protein - lean meats, beans, dairy products with low-fat. So you will quickly satisfy your body, and the question of how to eat less, will no longer torment you.

Eat only half of

Teach yourself at home, in a restaurant or cafe to eat only half portions. By this I have long to go, because, ordering food in a restaurant, we want to eat all of that had to pay, but the caloric content of meals sometimes exceeds the daily norm. Therefore it is necessary to assemble the willpower in a fist and push away the dish as soon have the feeling of satiety. Health is more important than any money, do not forget about it.

Tip: If you eat at home, then Apply a less than half willing to eat your eyes. You can even promise yourself that if you do not naedites, put additives. But if you follow the instructions that have been given above, it is unlikely you will need. A restaurant or cafe you can ask for half portions ordered to pack takeaway.

How to eat less? control the appetite

Eat breakfast

Everyone knows this saying: "Eat breakfast myself, dinner and give the enemy." But for some reason few people follow it. It has long been established that people who eat breakfast tight, have a minimum body mass index, feel much fitter and happier. Thanks to a hearty breakfast the day is eaten a lot less calories. The habit of breakfast - this is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Tip: Sometimes a lump in the throat does not climb in the morning, not to mention the full breakfast. Start small, and gradually you will teach your body to feel the morning hunger.

All of the above recommendations and tips will help you have a much smaller, which will help to lose weight without much effort on your part.

Healthy and beautiful body to you!