Walk around Edinburgh

• Walk around Edinburgh

Edinburgh is perhaps the most beautiful city, not only in Scotland but across the UK. Not for nothing he is second only to London for tourist traffic.

Since the time I was little, I decided to focus given to the historic center of Edinburgh.

Walk around Edinburgh

Edinburgh - capital of Scotland with a population of about half a million people. The main attraction of the city is Edinburgh Castle:

Walk around Edinburgh

It is located in the city center at the top of the castle rock, where millions of years ago was a volcano:

Walk around Edinburgh

The first mention as the castle dates back to the early 12th century and is connected with the name of King David I. The castle is protected on three sides by almost sheer wall, it can be clearly seen in the picture of the cosmos:

Walk around Edinburgh

On the northern side of the lake used to be, but it was drained later:

Walk around Edinburgh

The castle is open for visits by tourists, there are always a lot of tour buses:

Walk around Edinburgh

From the eastern part of the castle dates back the main street of the old town of the Royal Mile, in which we now walk.

The highest and the majestic building of the early 19th century Church of the Tolbooth (Tolbooth Kirk) is also known as St. John's Church (St-John's) performed in the Gothic Revival sitle.:

Walk around Edinburgh

The temple existed until 1979, then a big break, after reconstruction in 1999, it is located Hub (English Hub.) - Staff and Information Center of famous Edinburgh festivals:

Walk around Edinburgh


Walk around Edinburgh

Near "breathes" Gothic:

Walk around Edinburgh

From the southern part of the Royal Mile go down steep stairs:

Walk around Edinburgh

But we will continue our way to the east:

Walk around Edinburgh

There are a lot of tourists. Bus lanes are found in:

Walk around Edinburgh

Street national musicians:

Walk around Edinburgh

In the heart of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh is the main Cathedral of St. Giles (Eng. St Giles 'Cathedral, St Giles' Cathedral)

Walk around Edinburgh

Next to Soborm we see the ancient symbol of a prosperous trading city Mercat Cross (English Mercat Cross.):

Walk around Edinburgh

There were read the important city ordinances:

Walk around Edinburgh

The flag of Scotland, and the angle of the main cathedral of Edinburgh:

Walk around Edinburgh

Mercat Cross from a different angle. Through the arch can be seen the inner courtyard and the building of Edinburgh City Chambers:

Walk around Edinburgh

Let's go over the arch:

Walk around Edinburgh

In a small area see John Steell sculpture of Alexander the Great Tames Bucephalus:

Walk around Edinburgh

Go ahead. Police:

Walk around Edinburgh

The general plan of the Royal Mile in the direction of the castle:

Walk around Edinburgh

And in the opposite direction. If you look closely, you can see the expanse of the Gulf:

Walk around Edinburgh


Walk around Edinburgh Walk around Edinburgh Walk around Edinburgh

We turn to the Royal Mile towards Sevren bridge. A typical shop with souvenirs and national clothes:

Walk around Edinburgh

We leave to the north bridge. Under the bridge can be seen covered platform Station Edinburgh:

Walk around Edinburgh

Let's go in the middle of the bridge. Stop:

Walk around Edinburgh

The bridge offers a good view of the city. East End:

Walk around Edinburgh

The tallest building on the hill - is the monument to Admiral Nelson:

Walk around Edinburgh

On the opposite, west side, very proudly and beautifully situated Scott Monument, a monument to the Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott. Be sure to read the history of this monument. Very interesting:

Walk around Edinburgh

This is the southern part of the city, where we came from:

Walk around Edinburgh Walk around Edinburgh

Go back to the side of the Royal Mile. Street musicians:

Walk around Edinburgh

Local Houdini:

Walk around Edinburgh

According to tradition, found himself in the frame

Walk around Edinburgh

Again, look at a mile and walk a bit to the south:

Walk around Edinburgh

From the height of the streets:

Walk around Edinburgh

On the left, modern building of the National Museum of Scotland:

Walk around Edinburgh

Previously, it was the neo-Gothic church of New North Free Church, in consequence, the building was transferred to the University of Edinburgh. Now it is Bedlam Theater:

Walk around Edinburgh

The Scottish coach at the National Museum:

Walk around Edinburgh

Here we are with you and come to the final part of the walk around Edinburgh. In conclusion, I want to tell and show the details of one touching story associated with this city.

Remember the title photo of this post?

Her dog sculpture. This sobakchka breed Skye Terrier entered history as Edinburgh Greyfriars Bobby. This dog for 14 years (!) Guarded his master's grave in the cemetery of Greyfriars Kirkyard, excommunicated only the cafe, where he was fed, as well as in the cold season to warm up in the neighboring houses. At the cemetery, next to the grave of his master Bobby died. He was buried in the same place. You can read this touching story in Wikipedia.

In the center of the frame can be seen, where there are people who left - a small sculpture of this heroic dog (left behind the houses, by the way, that same cemetery):

Walk around Edinburgh

But that's Bobby - close-up:

Walk around Edinburgh

So the very cemetery (grave did not shoot large - I do not like this thing):

Walk around Edinburgh

And that would not end the post on a sad note, let's see how modern style blends in Edinburgh with a magnificent history:

Walk around Edinburgh

In summary, we can say that today, Edinburgh has left in my memory is one of the most vivid impressions!